Wednesday, October 29, 2008

freedom unlimited!

Plenty of Freedom is available to an Indian. In addition to the six freedoms…he can enjoy himself many.
He can smoke a cigarette in a bus at his will. He can grab err... borrow a news paper from a stranger at public places and the stranger would only be pleased to collect the remnants, if any, later.
He can talk on a phone while driving a two-wheeler, leaning one side, holding the instrument between his raised shoulder and ear, and exhibiting acrobatics that would result in a nightmare to the others on the road.
He can talk so deafeningly in public places that he may be reminded to speak only through phone, else he may be heard at the other end even without using one.
He can buy a ticket in black market to watch a star’s movie that campaigns against corruption in the society. He can also sacrifice his precious life, just as our elders did to free us from the British, to see his favorite hero’s film.
He can as well pour milk on the lifeless statues in the name of cleansing while millions are starving. Can cleansing with milk would absolve a person of his misdeeds?
He can gift swords and spears to their leaders to fight battles…electoral not the real war for establishing peace in the society.
He can promise even a moon to each voter before election and still cannot be questioned if none of them are kept up after.
When his party is in power ‘students should keep themselves away from politics’…while in the opposition’ it becomes the sacred duty of a student to be in active politics and fight against the government.’ Isn’t it topsy turvy of freedom of speech!
Our freedom on the road ends where the hidden trench dug by the cable workers begins. We can as well park our vehicle anywhere, till a dent on it or a theft of a player brings our sovereignty to an end. Ease our self at our will but be sure that we are not caught unaware by our subordinates-this may tarnish our image in the office, leave alone asserting our independence. We are free to use a cell phone while driving but soon our number may permanently respond
‘…out of calling area.’

first show

Can we call it life…if we can’t see the movie the very first day and the very first show? So tempting it is! But sometimes it may also mean the end our life. Is there a way out? Float an association or a fan club of a star, add sobriquets- ‘the President, the Secretary and so on of All India Association of X star’-to ourselves, have a letterhead printed and make a request for the movie tickets in writing. The manager of the theatre is forced to provide us a few tickets. Sell some of them in the black market and get back our initial investment. Further if our star enters the politics (it’ll happen when he turns sixty) we are assured of tickets not only for a movie but also for the Assembly. Serve a star now to serve the people in future.

fake voters

After stamps, currency and certificates now it’s the turn of voters.
In some areas the number of voters exceeds the population figure. Isn’t it staggering?
Right place to set up the National Academy of Magic…who says magic and magicians are not receiving support? Even the just born seems to have great faith in Democracy and every one is so eager to vote. Perhaps that is the reason why the voters’ turn out at the polling booths some times reaches 100 per cent. (The EC erroneously attributes it to the rigging) Thanks to the Democratic awareness of the people. Given an opportunity, our voters are competent enough to enroll themselves in the voters list on the Mars too (if there is an attempt to prepare one) no matter whether the scientists could find the traces of life.
The Election Commission can employ the GPS (Global Positioning System) to locate the households and weed out the bogus voters. How about seeking NASA’s assistance for satellite pictures! The opponents may also seek the support of Spielberg to create the non-existent voters or a Jadugar to perform the tricks of vanishing and emerging of voters.

voters' wishes

Crazy wish list differs from person to person and profession to profession.
A govt. employee wishes that he should be paid IT free salaries and he will be happier if they are paid twice in a month where as a retired employee would be pleased if the DA due is sanctioned.
The promise of free power-To counter its impact on the electorate the ruling party should broaden the same to cover free cable TV and garner the votes of women folk. Distributing air coolers to beat the baking heat of the sun may consolidate their position further.
A student may wish to have his midday meal with mineral water and a matinee show ticket. The qualifying marks in EAMCET may be reduced to an abyssal level that all the appeared candidates are eligible for the admission. As people have become so artful these days there is no need for arts courses.
A policeman wishes for a right to beat up the ones who question him and a law that states that encounters can never be fake. And the champions of civil liberties wish that the police have no human rights.
The farmers of the drought-ridden areas wish that their leaders of international repute should see that IBRD should also advance consumption loans to the individuals to get over the severe drought, by organizing loan melas and eventually loan waivers.

copy cats

The terms ‘copy and paste’ and ‘cut and paste’ are widely used these days in the field of word processing. But copying is ubiquitous in all fields for a long time. This art of copying has been perfected by many a great personalities in many spheres.
Lalloji announced ‘latee diksha’ imitating ‘trishul diksha’. Another leader proposed preemptive strikes against Pakistan emulating Bush’s Iraq policy, a few congress leaders in Andhra Pradesh intended to walk across villages inspired by the success of YSR‘s padayatra’ and an other congress leader tried to copy him enviously but in vain.
Even our ace filmmakers have excellent skills of replication. Long back a famous producer and actor copied an English film with a treasure hunt theme and made a successful Telugu movie. But he did not stop there, he got it dubbed into English and released abroad! Such a clever copying it was. So copy the skills of copying from them.

Comedy in Telugu movies?

The buffoonery of two characters, an elder and a dark unattractive man, who would hit each other for no reason, aping donkeys-that was the film farce for a few days. Now it is the season of joke book jesting- a few stale jokes are selected from the collection of jokes, they are enacted and inserted in the movie. We hardly find any link between one scene and the other. Gone were the days of situational comedy when humour formed an integral part of the plot of the movie. Now it appears as if a few comic scenes are shot separately and kept ready for sale so that the producers can buy a few and attach them to their movies in between.

Comedy in Telugu movies- it won’t make you burst in to laughter. What they show are but a few old jokes straight away lifted from a joke book and a comedian accompanying the hero would serve the purpose in such cases. In some other ‘hilarious comedies’ humour is found in scenes such as woman beating her husband, a man having extra marital adventures, and a comedian lecturer teaching naughty students.
Campus humour in films has become so monotonous that we have to tickle ourselves to make ourselves laugh. They always make a buffoon of a teacher. In case of a woman teacher, its more atrocious, she would be portrayed as a seductress and the movie doesn’t need a vamp any more. Is there a showman who can redo the good old situational comedies (of Bapu and Ramana) to quench the thirst of humour lovers?

cut the red tape?

Appear at the office late by an hour or so… engrave a mark in the attendance register …hurry to the canteen for tea and a pan…be back only to unwrap the lunch pack…while away the hours with making queries in the files… soon the tea time…and after that call EOD (end of the day)- This is the daily routine of the many.
Their adherence to the rules is so remarkable that they would ask a pensioner to furnish alive certificate even for the previous year in addition to that of the current year. Late or early… does it make any difference when they are so vigilant to the rules?
When the fury of the boss also fails to make them turn up in time what else could make them punctual? Should we serve them breakfast at their seats? idli n vada with fuming sambar would at least drag them to the offices early. Else provide hot water in the restrooms of the office so that the employees from the areas of water scarcity would certainly reach the office well in advance.

election fever-voters' apathy

The D-day is fast approaching. The heat and dust of the campaigning reaches its zenith. So does the mercury level. The Sun becomes strong day by day.
The EC may propose to air-condition all the polling booths. This would be more effective than the Loksatta’s ads. It will definitely beat the apathy of the voters. A cup of ice cream, a glass of fruit juice or a tender coconut for the voters waiting in the serpentine queues will certainly improve the turnout at the booths further. (Becareful…serving the pesticolas may have an adverse effect on the turn out!)
More over it would save the voter from the sunstroke. But there is no way out for the leaders who are affected by ‘son stroke’.
The EC may be requested to exempt this expenditure from the candidate’s account. Sipping a chilled drink may at least mollify the agitated candidates. It will also pacify the warring contestants. What else would woo the voters better in the blazing summer?

A director beats an actor?

There is nothing wrong in what the ace director does. He just slaps the actor to get the desired effect on the screen and make the scene appear natural. More over it saves the producers a lot, as they don’t need to buy glycerin. By the way actors! Be wary while this chap shoots rape and murder scenes. We do find actors who proclaim that they wanted to become doctors but eventually ended up as actors. But it seems this guy wanted to become a teacher but turned into a film director. Punctilious trainer…

‘The over ambitious producer slaps the heroine.’ Is it also aimed at getting the desired effect on the screen? Who would come to the rescue of those hapless female stars when their mummies themselves failed to restrain the assailants? The animals appear to be better placed- Blue cross will ensure their well-being.