Wednesday, October 29, 2008

freedom unlimited!

Plenty of Freedom is available to an Indian. In addition to the six freedoms…he can enjoy himself many.
He can smoke a cigarette in a bus at his will. He can grab err... borrow a news paper from a stranger at public places and the stranger would only be pleased to collect the remnants, if any, later.
He can talk on a phone while driving a two-wheeler, leaning one side, holding the instrument between his raised shoulder and ear, and exhibiting acrobatics that would result in a nightmare to the others on the road.
He can talk so deafeningly in public places that he may be reminded to speak only through phone, else he may be heard at the other end even without using one.
He can buy a ticket in black market to watch a star’s movie that campaigns against corruption in the society. He can also sacrifice his precious life, just as our elders did to free us from the British, to see his favorite hero’s film.
He can as well pour milk on the lifeless statues in the name of cleansing while millions are starving. Can cleansing with milk would absolve a person of his misdeeds?
He can gift swords and spears to their leaders to fight battles…electoral not the real war for establishing peace in the society.
He can promise even a moon to each voter before election and still cannot be questioned if none of them are kept up after.
When his party is in power ‘students should keep themselves away from politics’…while in the opposition’ it becomes the sacred duty of a student to be in active politics and fight against the government.’ Isn’t it topsy turvy of freedom of speech!
Our freedom on the road ends where the hidden trench dug by the cable workers begins. We can as well park our vehicle anywhere, till a dent on it or a theft of a player brings our sovereignty to an end. Ease our self at our will but be sure that we are not caught unaware by our subordinates-this may tarnish our image in the office, leave alone asserting our independence. We are free to use a cell phone while driving but soon our number may permanently respond
‘…out of calling area.’

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